Update | Why I haven’t been uploading videos frequently… it’s not exactly my fault.

I’m not taking a break, content is just running a little short right now so you’ll all have to be patient and wait for me to capture the juicy stuff 😉 . Thank you all for sticking by me and understanding. Cheers!

Je ne fais pas de pause, c’est juste que le contenu commence à s’épuiser en ce moment, donc vous devrez tous être patients et attendre que je filme les bonnes choses 😉 . Merci à tous pour votre confiance et votre compréhension. Salut!


››› Website: https://www.mtl911.ca
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››› Reckoner – “lofi hip hop chill beats for study​~​game​~​sleep”:
• SoundCloud:
• Pop Aesthetics EP:
• License (Some Rights Reserved):
• Disclaimer: The licensor does not sponsor or endorse this channel or its content.
• The material used has been modified in order to better integrate with the content of the video and its physical longevity.

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