Montréal | Car Flips Onto Its Roof During Spectacular Highway Crash – Police, Fire & EMS On Scene

SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 2018 – At approximately 22:45 hours (EST), two vehicles travelling eastbound on Autoroute 40, also known locally as “the Metropolitan”, collided with one another in a dramatic crash that left one vehicle on its roof in the middle of the highway near Provencher Boulevard in the Saint-Leonard district of Montréal, QC. Firefighters from the SIM (Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal), police officers from the Sûreté du Québec’s Highway Patrol division and Urgences-Santé paramedics responded to the scene and promptly shut down all eastbound traffic, causing traffic to back up all the way to the Saint-Laurent area. At least two people were treated for unknown injuries and transported to a nearby hospital. At 23:35, emergency services personnel had cleared from the scene and tow trucks had taken away the totalled cars. No further information is known in regards to the cause of the crash or how many people were involved.

Footage was taken on June 2, 2018.

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