THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2017 – At approximately 23:10 hours (EST), SIM (Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal) firefighters responded to reports of a fire at Ristorante Da Vinci, located at 1180 Bishop Street in the Downtown district of Montréal, QC. Upon arrival, the presence of smoke exiting the roof of the two-story Victorian mansion was noticed and a first alarm was raised. The surrounding buildings were quickly evacuated. Multiple emergency personnel responded as reinforcements to the first responders, including officers with the SPVM (Service de police de la Ville de Montréal). Firefighters could be seen in the kitchen of the restaurant as well as on the roof, searching for the origin of the fire. The intervention was officially terminated at 12:30 hours on December 29th. No injuries were reported and the source of the fire is still unknown.
Footage was taken on December 28, 2017.
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