As a treat to all of my subscribers (and newcomers, as well!), I present my Holiday Special for 2016! Urgences-Santé decided to generously give sick kids from Montréal area hospitals a chance to participate in Montréal’s annual Christmas Parade, which ended with a visit to Santa at the Montréal Eaton Centre! Escorting them were several SPVM (Service de police de la Ville de Montréal) vehicles, several coach buses filled with children, a Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Relief truck and a Côte Saint-Luc Volunteer EMS ambulance. A pretty heartwarming opening to the parade, I must say, and quite the sight!
— Don’t forget to like, share or subscribe if you enjoyed this video! Check my channel daily for new videos covering Montréal’s emergency services! Enjoy! Bonne journée! —
Music: Uppermost – Disco Kids –
Uppermost: – Website: – YouTube: – SoundCloud:
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